Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why can't we all get along?

It has come to my attention lately that people are becoming more and more divided  when it comes to video games.  I find this to be a great tragedy as there are MANY great games out there, and i think it's just sad that some people are so small minded that they won't even buy a game just because it's made by a developer that isn't the same as their favorite game.  what they don't realize is all they are doing missing out on great story or experience. I find it funny that 90% of the people that "troll" on forums or comments about how "-insert name here- is better than -rival game name-" have never even played the game they are going off on.  I personally have no preference when it comes to games I can easily go from playing Halo reach one day and Black ops the next and I can honestly say I hold no contempt towards any games.  Obviously me writing this isn't going to fix a problem that has plagued gaming for years now though i hope maybe it will make some of you "haters" out there realize that the only person you're hurting by not playing C.o.D. because it's published by Activision or Halo because it's published by Microsoft (which I have my notions of) is yourself.  The way I look at it we are all a part of a giant gaming stew, if you start picking out the carrots, the potatoes, then the celery all your left with is just brown water..........  Well that's my feelings.  If you feel differently or want to tell me how awesome I am then you can do so in the comments section below. thanks for reading guys have a great day :)

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